SPECIAL REPORT: Charged Particles and Human/Animal Behavior

Over the last several weeks, have you felt tired, fatigued, or headache or body-ache? Have you experienced bouts of mild or severe depression, anxiety, or mood swings? Beginning in 2005 shortly after the publishing of my first book “Solar Rain: The Earth Changes Have Begun”, I took…

Over the last several weeks, have you felt tired, fatigued, or headache or body-ache? Have you experienced bouts of mild or severe depression, anxiety, or mood swings? Beginning in 2005 shortly after the publishing of my first book “Solar Rain: The Earth Changes Have Begun”, I took special interest in the nature of charged particles and its affect on humans. My research evolved into uncovering substantial documentation of magnetic flux application to the human brain.


A recent study published in the science journal ‘Nature’, indicates a direct connection between the acceleration of charged particles and its affect on humans. Charged particles come in many forms such as solar flares, CMEs (coronal mass), coronal holes, filament, gamma ray burst, and galactic cosmic rays.

NOTE: The ECM sponsorship initiative has helped a number of people gain access of this most important information by keeping the ECM membership as low as possible. But we stalled a bit in the last few days and may have to discontinue in ten days. To help reach the goal of adding 4 to 5 more weeks, I will add a 175, 150, and 75 to our options. To present an example – for every 200, eight to nine people are sponsored-in, for 100 four to five people etc. Let’s not stop now, there is just too much yet to come.


During times of an active cycle, large amounts of radiation race at the speed of light hitting the Earth’s magnetic field. Usually, the magnetic field deflects the vast majority of particles keeping the Earth and its inhabitants safe. But what happens when the magnetic field weakens?

Scientific research tells us many animals can sense the Earth’s magnetic field. Animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them – very similar to the magnetic field which surrounds the Earth as its protector. Relates to humans (and various animals) charged particles from the Sun and our Milky Way can cause confusion or a disturbance in our emotions. The pineal gland, which regulates melatonin production and the circadian 24-hour rhythm, is sensitive to magnetic fields.


In a recently related study published in the scientific journal ‘Geophysical Research’, indications of a dormant gene is residing within all of us just ready to be tapped. It is known as ‘Cryptochromes’ (CRY). They are involved in the ‘circadian’ (24-hour cyclical rhythms) of daily life. Strong scientific evidence indicates geomagnetic fields have an influence on the light sensitivity of the human visual system.


A study from the Department of Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School suggests humans may be genetically pre-disposed to the influence of geomagnetic flux as it relates to the Earth’s magnetic field and charged particles.

Coming Next: FDA Approved Magnetic Stimulation

Hard scientific fact shows magnetic influence can have an emotional and physical effect on the human brain and body.

About Earth Changes Media w/ Mitch Battros

Mitch Battros is a scientific journalist who is highly respected in both the scientific and spiritual communities due to his unique ability to bridge the gap between modern science and ancient text. Founded in 1995 – Earth Changes TV was born with Battros as its creator and chief editor for his syndicated television show. In 2003, he switched to a weekly radio show as Earth Changes Media. ECM quickly found its way in becoming a top source for news and discoveries in the scientific fields of astrophysics, space weather, earth science, and ancient text. Seeing the need to venture beyond the Sun-Earth connection, in 2016 Battros advanced his studies which incorporates our galaxy Milky Way - and its seemingly rhythmic cycles directly connected to our Solar System, Sun, and Earth driven by the source of charged particles such as galactic cosmic rays, gamma rays, and solar rays. Now, "Science Of Cycles" is the vehicle which brings the latest cutting-edge discoveries confirming his published Equation.
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